Welcome to the Professional Photographers Association of Palm Beach

Professional Photographers Association of Palm Beach has been in existence for over 30 years but don’t let the name fool you.

We are an eclectic group of photographers, from AMATEUR to PROFESSIONAL, dedicated to promoting, growing and perfecting the craft of photography as both an art and a business.

Through competition and monthly programs, we are dedicated to sharing knowledge, experience and training in a welcoming atmosphere that produces long lasting friendships.

PPA Palm Beach is affiliated with Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and Florida Professional Photographers (FPP). Membership is open to everyone.

We meet the third Tuesday of every month and hope that you will consider joining us.

You have nothing to lose - your first meeting is FREE!


Taken by:

John Howard


Totem Pole at Monument Valley, AZ - just after sunrise

Follow John here


Become the best photographer you can be while having fun and cultivating deep and lasting friendships with a strong community of local photographers